SonNext 3D Diagnostic System

SonNext Imaging System creation was dictated by very common necessity in the world of Facial Treatments. Unlike body shaping or sculpting where you can estimate the results by simple circumferences measurements or by weighing the client, Facial results could only be evaluated by Before and After picture comparison. While it sounds simple, in practice it is nearly impossible to take a good quality pictures that could be compared objectively. The angle, focal distance, light conditions, background ambient reflection and many more factors that would make your efforts worthless, especially on the earliest stages of the treatment course, where the results just starting to appear, and you have to present them to the patient in order for him to be inspired to continue.

So, based on all above we decided to solve all of those problems by building a machine that would be cost effective, light weight, “super” precise, easy to install and operate, giving exact light conditions every time and even not requiring any office space once not operated.

Sounds like “Mission Impossible” but Here we have it. Huge step towards the cost reduction was a decision to incorporate the mobile phone as an image capturing device as well as a controlling device. Mobile smartphone is the most common accessory now a days, thus eliminating the necessity to buy one.

SonNext mobile application keeps a cloud based patient database, patient’s height parameter is saved to the database during the registration process and when the pictures need to be taken the device will unfold from it’s idle position and adjust itself to a recorded height. In case manual correction is required it could be done at any point.

We recommend to take photos of the patients with their shoes off thus guaranteeing the same height every time. In this case only one time adjustments would be required. When the height is proper fitted one additional correction is done by means of a led cross pointer which ensures the same head positioning every time.

Automatic curtain cancels any ambient light and provides an even undisturbed background. Usually 5 pictures are taken at every session on a span of 180 degrees (every 45 degrees), but this optionally can be changed to any number at any angle.

The whole process is takes around a minute where at the end the pictures automatically saved to the cloud and the machine is folded back to the idle state.

Further picture management and comparison is done in the SonNext Mobile Solution.

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